Newton County Schools will conduct online and in-person Kindergarten Round-Up for the 2024-2025 school year during the week of May 6-8, 2024. Children must be 5 years old by September 1, 2024, to register for the upcoming school year. (Children currently enrolled in Newton County School System’s Pre-K program do not need to participate in the Kindergarten Round-Up registration process.) In addition to the online registration, individual schools will offer in-person registration by appointment only as follows:
• May 6-8 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
• May 7 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. & 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
At the time of registration, parents must provide their child’s Social Security card, certified birth certificate, Immunization Record Form #3231, and Eye, Ear, Dental (EED) and Nutritional Screening Form #3300. If there is no Social Security card, a waiver may be signed at the time of registration. Forms #3231 and #3300 should be obtained from the child’s physician or the Newton County Health Department.
Parents must also provide two (2) proofs of residence as follows—one from each of the two categories below:
- Category 1: Utility bill with name and address (only garbage, electric, water, or gas will
be accepted.)
- Category 2: Current lease agreement, rental agreement or mortgage statement from the
purchase of a home.
Should the child not live with one or both parents, guardianship or custody documents will be required.
Whether online or in-person by appointment, parents should register their students at the school they are zoned to attend.
To register your student during the Kindergarten Roundup Window, please use our Infinite Campus Online Registration Application at link below.
2024 Kindergarten Round-Up Registration Link