Special Education

The Special Education Program serves students with disabilities by providing specialized instruction and related services delivered by a staff of professionals and support personnel.

Services are provided to eligible students ages 3 through 21.

Services are available for students with the following disabilities: Speech and language, intellectual, orthopedic, other health impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, specific learning disability, hearing impaired, visually impaired, deaf-blind, emotional and behavioral disorders and significant developmental delay.

Identification procedures include initial screening and further educational and psychological testing to determine if the student meets the State eligibility criteria.

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed for each eligible student. IEP Teams review student strengths and weaknesses and consider factors such as parent concerns, learning style, need for specialized materials and adaptations, communication, fine and gross motor skills, sensory functioning, emotional and behavioral needs and motivation factors. The IEP Team, which includes the student's parents, develops goals and objectives to address the identified learning needs and recommends services for the student.

Students may be served through a variety of delivery models based on the IEP Team's recommendations. The IEP Team considers many options when making a recommendation for services for a student. A student's IEP must be delivered as much as is appropriate in an environment that includes non-disabled students. Personnel in the program for students with disabilities work collaboratively with school staff and with parents to assure that students with disabilities are provided with appropriate learning experiences and opportunities.

Related services such as physical therapy, transportation, occupational therapy and orientation and mobility are available in every school for students whose IEPs recommend these services. The Special Olympics Program provides students with disabilities the opportunity to train and participate in competitive sports and recreational events.


Ms. Brooke Dial
Director of Special Education
770-787-1330 ext.1278

Mr. Rothell Lewis
Elementary Special Education Coordinator
770-787-1330 ext. 1259

Ms. Bridgett Copeland 
Secondary Special Education Coordinator
770-787-1330 ext. 1112

Ms. Victoria Bullard
IDEA Coordinator
770-787-1330 ext. 1267

Ms. Jessica Adams
Special Needs Pre-School Lead Teacher
770-787-1330 ext. 3906

Ms. Anissa Kelley
Lead Teacher for Compliance
770-787-1330 ext.1218

Ms. Erin Howlett
Parent Mentor
770-787-1330 ext. 3928

Ms. Lynn Malcom
Administrative Assistant
770-787-1330 ext. 1204

Ms. Chandra Mitchell
Records Clerk
770-787-1330 ext. 1221

Ms. Ragen Cantrell
Data Specialist
770-787-1330 ext. 1269

Ms. Rhesa Lewis Pousada
Lead Speech Language Pathologist
770-787-1330 ext. 3931

Ms. Mary Beasley
Administrative Assistant
770-787-1330 ext. 3905