NCSS Superintendent Accepting Applications for 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council

Newton County School Superintendent (NCSS) Dr. Duke Bradley, III, is currently accepting applications for openings on his Student Advisory Council. The Council is comprised of seventh through twelfth-grade students selected through an application process. At this time, there are currently eight vacancies in the seventh grade.
Students who wish to apply for the council should complete an essay packet and return it to Ms. Sherri Partee in the Newton County School System Department of Public Relations by Friday, December 8. The mailing address is 2109 Newton Drive NE, Covington, Georgia, 30014.
The Student Advisory Council will meet with Superintendent Bradley throughout the school year to discuss how decisions made at the district level are affecting students throughout the county. Student members will serve as advisors and act as liaisons between the Newton County School System administration and the students of NCSS.
2023-2024 Advisory Council Application