Every student at Flint Hill Elementary School who needs a hot meal will have one thanks to support from Perimeter Roofing as the company’s foundation, “Perimeter Cares” recently paid off all of the school’s student lunch debt. Perimeter Roofing district manager, Wesley Jackson, recently presented school principal, Dr. Lynne DiNardo, with a check for $2,860.80 to officially pay off the debt students have accumulated.
“We are so very thankful for this generous donation from Perimeter Cares,” said DiNardo. “Our community has a high poverty rate and it’s very unfortunate, but we know that many times, the only hot meals children receive are at school. Paying off the student debt will be a tremendous help for many of our Flint Hill families. This is such a wonderful gesture and we thank Perimeter Roofing for supporting our boys and girls.”
According to Jackson, Perimeter Roofing’s foundation has been paying off school lunch debts for over two years.
“This is the seventy-eighth school in Georgia that we have done this for,” he said. “We learned that some kids were being bullied for getting sack lunches and that a lot of kids were taking their lunches home to feed their brothers and sisters. We wanted to help make a difference so the company began the school lunch challenge.”
Jackson noted that Superior Distribution donates much of the funds available for the school lunch challenge program.
“They are our supplier for shingles,” Jackson explained. “They donate a large portion of the funds for the program. In addition, whenever we do a roof, a small portion goes to the foundation as well.”
Jackson said the company will continue their efforts to put warm food in the bellies and smiles on the faces of schoolchildren throughout Georgia and they challenge other companies and organizations to do the same.
“It’s amazing—a feeling that’s not explainable,” said Jackson. “It’s a great deed that I’m happy to be a part of and I hope others will do the same. It’s all about the kids.”