This week’s announcements:
1. LEARNING MODEL SELECTION: The deadline to select your student’s Learning Model for the 2020-2021 school year has passed. Efforts have been made to contact the parents of students who have not selected an instructional model. Despite these efforts, however, we have not been able to reach all of these parents. A student whose parents did not select an instructional model for him or her will be placed in the Traditional In-Person Instructional Model unless the school’s principal is informed otherwise.
2. DISTRIBUTION OF TECHNOLOGY DEVICES: Parents who have selected virtual or self-paced learning models for their students were given the option to borrow devices from the Newton County School System. Those devices will be distributed in conjunction with schools’ distribution of classroom materials. Those dates will be announced before the first day of school. If a parent has students at multiple locations, he or she will have to go to each school site to pick up the corresponding device for his or her child. Please note, devices will not be provided if the student has not returned prior devices or if the student has an outstanding balance due to device damage.
3. ENHANCED SAFETY MEASURES IN SCHOOL BUILDINGS: Newton County Schools will practice enhanced safety measures in school buildings. These include increased cleaning daily (high touch surfaces will be disinfected multiple times throughout the day); installing bottle filling stations in lieu of water fountains, which will be disabled; upgrading HVAC filters (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) to improve the quality of air within the buildings; installing hand sanitizing stations throughout schools in high traffic areas (hand sanitizer will also be available in all classrooms); and placing signage throughout the schools to share information on how to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
NOTE: We continue to partner with our local health department and follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Public Health, and the Georgia Department of Education, as we prepare to return to school.