Dr. Adam Phyall Named One of Thirty Top K-12 IT Influencers Worth a Follow in 2020

Newton County School System’s Director of Technology and Media Services, Dr. Adam Phyall, is one of the top 30 K-12 IT influencers worth a follow in 2020 according to EdTEch Magazine: Focus on K-12. The magazine compiled a list of the top 30 influencers who are using social and digital media to inform, engage and even entertain those in the education space from IT leaders, bloggers, podcasters and social media personalities around the nation.
“It came to me as a total shock,” said Phyall. “I guess someone is reading or listening to what I am sharing. I have never shared anything to gain followers, so it comes to me as a surprise that I was selected as a top 30 K-12 IT Influencer.”
Phyall noted that he typically tries to share content that an educator or anyone who works with students may use.
“I try to keep it simple and share content that anyone can use immediately in their space,” he said.
According to Phyall, there are numerous benefits to teachers being active on social media.
“Social media has created the world’s largest professional learning community,” he explained. “Teachers can connect with educators all over the world. This large connection provides teachers the opportunity to learn and share content. I have seen all types of hashtags and Facebook groups that have been created to help students, parents, and teachers get through this time of uncertainty. This community of sharing is where social media really provides benefits to everyone.”
Phyall noted that the use of social media has even more benefits given the current global, Covid-19 pandemic.
“Social media provides individuals a voice,” he explained. “It provides a platform for individuals to find someone that has similar interests as them. This digital connection is extremely important during this time when we are forced to maintain our physical distance from each other. Social media provides a platform that we can use to stay connected during this time of social distancing.”
He added that COVID-19 has created a unique situation where every educator is coping with the same set of issues and concerns.
“This commonality has led to an increase in the sharing of problems and solutions,” said Phyall. “Whenever I find an item that can help someone, I use social media to share that resource.”
Phyall has served as Newton County School’s Director of Technology for five years. He is a former high school science teacher. He can be followed on Twitter at @AskAdam3, and on LinkedIn at “adamphyall”. Educators can also visit Dr. Phyall’s website at