Two Eastside High School students—Elizabeth Johnson and Matthew Walker, have been selected as finalists to participate in the 2021 Governor’s Honors Program (GHP). Johnson will study World Languages, specifically Latin while Walker will participate in the Communicative Arts program. Brie Worton, a junior at Eastside High School and the Newton College & Career Academy, and Noah Geiger, a sophomore at Newton High School and the NCCA STEM Institute, were each named alternates for this year’s program.
The GHP, open to all sophomores and juniors, is a free residential summer program for gifted or highly talented students who are passionate about the subject. Students interested in attending must participate in a series of interviews and should be able to speak eloquently and in great detail about the subject they choose. They are students who desire to work with their subject outside of school and go above and beyond. Students may be nominated in Communicative Arts (ELA), all the Foreign Languages, Math, Science, Social Studies, Dance, Music, Theater, Visual Arts, Engineering, and Agriscience.
Both students said they were excited to have the opportunity to participate in the prestigious summer program.
“I’m looking forward to learning alongside people who are there to learn and are passionate about learning,” said Johnson.
“Governor’s Honors offers a lot in terms of future things you get to experience—things you would never be able to experience in a regular high school setting or just with your friends over summer,” added Walker. “I’m looking forward to the unique experience that GHP offers.”
“We celebrate each of our finalists and alternates selected for the 2021 Governor’s Honor Summer Program,” said Dr. Nikkita Warfield, NCSS Director of Secondary Education and Professional Learning. “This program offers students the unique opportunity to study their disciplines more closely with other finalists from around the state. The competition to be selected as a Governor’s Honors Program finalist is very rigorous and we are excited to have these exceptional representatives from our school system. Congratulations to each of our finalists and alternates; I know their parents and teachers are equally as proud of this accomplishment as we are as a district!”