West Newton Elementary is Georgia United Foundation School Crashers Grant Recipient

West Newton Elementary School will soon transform their Wildcat Woosah into a specially designed sensory room for kindergarten through fifth grade students to receive self-regulatory support thanks to a recent School Crashers Grant from Georgia United Foundatoin. According to school principal, Leah Green, the grant will also allow for Cozy Corner sensory kits to be created for classroom checkouts to help decrease classroom disturbances and inappropriate classroom behaviors.
“There are no words to express my deep appreciation for receiving this grant for the students of West Newton,” said Green. “The remodeled sensory room will be a great transitional support for our students returning to face-to-face learning next school year! I am very grateful and excited that the Georgia United Foundation awarded us this grant. I can't wait to see the Wildcat Woosah Sensory room. Thank you Georgia United Foundation!”
According to Leigh Gant, Business Development Officer for Georgia United Credit Union, this is the eighth year the Foundation has awarded School Crashers grants to schools across the state.
“Georgia United’s School Crashers program has positively impacted 31,994 children across 50 schools by creating inspiring learning spaces and facility improvements valued at over $1,400,000,” Gant explained. “Funding for the program is provided by the Georgia United Foundation and generous donations made by community partners. Selected schools will receive project improvements over the summer before the start of the new school year. All events will follow current CDC guidelines.”
West Newton Elementary was one of eight grant recipients of the 2021 Georgia United Foundation School Crashers program. School Crashers is the Foundation’s largest community service program that offers schools across the state an opportunity to apply for a school facility makeover. The program strengthens communities by supporting local school systems with the end goal of improving the learning environment for the students, faculty and staff.
“We are looking forward to serving our communities and strengthening our school systems through the eighth annual School Crashers program,” shared Debbie Smith, president and CEO of Georgia United Credit Union. “The Georgia United Foundation, credit union team members, generous donors, community partners and volunteers make this a fun community service event, where we provide inspiring learning spaces for the students, faculty and staff. We want the students to be proud of their school and motivated to learn when they return in the fall.”