2022 ACT Test Prep

NCSS Offers Free ACT Prep to High School Students
Posted on 05/02/2022
Free ACT Test PrepNCSS will offer free ACT Prep to high school students. We have partnered with Princeton Review to prepare our students for the upcoming ACT.

ACT Test Prep dates are June 6th -9th. All sessions will be held at Newton College and Career Academy Lecture Hall located at 144 Ram Drive, Covington, Georgia 30014. Session times are 8:30 am -1:45 pm. Bring your calculator, pencil, and paper. Breakfast and lunch are provided. ACT Prep sessions are no cost for NCSS students. Transportation will be provided via satellite bus stops; locations will be announced.

To register for ACT prep, click on the link and complete the form: https://forms.gle/5xGQvaCFUbnSGU5Q9 . The registration window is May 2nd – May 13th, 2022.

Parents and students selected to participate are required to attend a Webinar on May 16, 2022, from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm with us and Princeton Review. The meeting link will be shared later via email.
