The end of the school year is here. As such, the Newton County School System (NCSS) Department of Technology is making plans to collect electronic devices distributed to secondary students during the past year.
According to Dr. Adam Phyall, NCSS Director of Technology and Media Services, the district must inspect all Chromebooks for inventory and maintenance. As such, all students must bring their Chromebook, charger, and case to school by the end of the day, May 20. Per the signed user agreement, the parent/guardian is responsible for any damage to the devices.
“Students in sixth through eleventh grade who are participating in summer programs will be re-issued their Chromebook for the summer on the same date after inspection,” Phyall explained. “We are asking all students to complete a technology return form and indicate if they wish to keep or return their Chromebook for the summer.”
Important dates for device collection are as follows:
• May 16-20, 2022 Device Inspection and Collection
• May 17, 2022 Final day for Graduating Seniors to pay fines and return devices
• May 20, 2022 Last day for device collection for in-person students
• May 24, 2022 Last day for V.I.P. device collection (8:00 AM to 2:00 PM)
Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to contact the NCSS Technology Department at
[email protected] for assistance.