Indian Creek Middle School FCCLA members fared well at the Georgia FCCLA State Leadership Conference—competitors brough home bronze and silver medals. Emilee Beal, Cailyn Hurt, and Morgan Bennet earned bronze in the Focus on Children event and De’Shari Hollingsworth and Mariah Davies brough home silver in the Chapter Service Portfolio event. Their silver award earned them the chance to compete at the National FCCLA Leadership Conference in San Diego, California this summer.
“I am so proud of my FCCLA students,” said advisor, Charnese Phillips. “I have seen tremendous growth in each young lady. They have developed public speaking, problem-solving, decision making and leadership skills. They understand the importance of community involvement and are now excited to help others. They have gained a sense of independence and confidence.
She added, “My role as their advisor is to challenge them to become the best version of themselves and to think critically and they achieve that and more through this competition. The only thing that I can say is well done and I am so excited to be heading to Nationals Competition with you!”
According to Phillips, there are over 20,000 Georgia FCCLA members and 200 plus Georgia FCCLA chapters. While attending the Georgia FCCLA State Leadership Conference, the students had the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication necessary in the workforce.
FCCLA is the only Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO that focuses on career, family and the community. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a dynamic and effective national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education. FCCLA has over 150,000 members and over 6,500 chapters from 50 state associations, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The organization has involved more than 10 million youth since its founding in 1945.
Phillips noted that she had received several donations to help defray the cost of the national conference for her students including a $500 donation from Newton Federal Bank and two anonymous donations from an Indian Creek Middle School teacher and a local community business. Anyone wishing to make a donation to support the Indian Creek Middle School FCCLA team and their trip to the national competition may reach out to Dr. Tim Schmitt, NCSS Director of CTAE and Workforce Innovation at
[email protected].