Infinite Campus Online Registration (OLR) Now Open:

Families with students who are NEW or MOVING BACK from another district to Newton County Schools are now able to electronically enroll using a fast and simple Online Registration (OLR) process through Infinite Campus. Each household can submit just ONE application for ALL their student(s). The school(s) registration staff will contact you to finalize your child’s enrollment.
You may complete your online application for enrollment using the new Infinite Campus Online Registration (OLR) Application.
School Registration Contacts
Should you need assistance with registering your new student, please feel free to reach out to your child's school at one of the email addresses provided below.
High Schools
Middle Schools
Elementary Schools
Age & Attendance Requirements
Admissions in School
Children who have reached their fourth birthday on or before September 1 of the current academic year are eligible to participate in the lottery drawing for pre-kindergarten slots, while those that will reach their fifth birthday on or before September 1 are eligible to enroll in kindergarten.
When enrolling a child into the Newton County School System, the following items are necessary:
- Certified copy of the student's Birth Certificate
- Student's Social Security Card
- Form 3231: GA Certificate of Immunization
- New Immunization Requirements
- Form 3300: GA Certificate of Eye, Ear and Dental Examination (this is only required for students entering a GA public school for the first time.)
- Parent or Guardian Photo ID
- Proof of Custody/Guardianship (if the birth parent is not registering the student)
- Proof of Newton County Residency MUST be a lease, deed, signed closing statement or non-contingent sales contract AND at least one utility bill (gas, electric, water).
- Withdrawal forms (or final report card) from previous school
- Certified copy of the student's Discipline Report (for students entering 7th-12th grade)
- If the student never got into trouble, a letter from the school stating that the child has no discipline record is required in lieu of a Discipline Report.
- The person registering the student MUST be the parent named on the birth certificate unless official guardianship papers are presented.
- In the case of divorced parents, only the parent who has "primary physical custody" as designated in the final divorce decree will be permitted to register the student. ****MUST present final divorce paperwork at registration.
- The name(s) on the proofs of residency MUST be the parent named on the birth certificate or designated as the official guardian on the official paperwork. If the proof of residency is in the name of a step-parent, a marriage certificate MUST be presented that proves the step-parent and official parent/guardian are married.
- Absolutely NO "notarized letters" will be accepted in lieu of official guardianship papers.